The Intellifluence Blog
From Influencer Spotlights, where we chat with influencers in our network about their approach to influencer marketing, to helpful tutorials and updates about our system, the Intellifluence blog is chock-full of information that will help you elevate your approach to influencer marketing as a brand, influencer, talent manager or digital marketer!
Want Hyper Growth? Adopt Early
We’ve gone over several methods to help you grow your audience, from basic visibility tips and optimization, to working with the coopetition and doing outreach. One item that is often neglected though is a very simple tactic: early adoption of new platforms. Why adopt early? Being an early player on a new network gives you a visibility advantage relative to mature [...]
Influencer Outreach, For Influencers
In our previous piece on interacting with your niche community and collaboration, one of the reasons to work your frenemies and the coopetition was to increase visibility. Being seen is such a large component of becoming a top tier influencer that I wanted to delve into how one can go about pushing that visibility further, since so many brands in our network and others will claim [...]
Community & Collaboration
Hearkening back to our kick off piece on gaining visibility and optimizing for that visibility, this post is about growth; it also builds upon the necessity of listening to one’s audience because many of those skills are required because it is important to not see yourself as a lonely product review stuck on a deserted island. You are a part of a community, and you [...]
Be in the Know, Be First, or Be Best
As we discussed previously, one way to build a bigger audience is by engaging with and listening to that audience. One way to get more engagement is to be top-of-mind, and there are a few ways to do that: if you can be more in the know than your fellow industry influencers, you can be faster to break industry news and the [...]
Hey Influencers, Listen To Your Audience!
While the influencer resilience post was designed to build you up when you’re frustrated, this is designed to keep you grounded. I like to think of this as the “get your sh*t together” companion piece to that article. If you’re losing your audience, don’t cast blame; rather, be retrospective about it. Get Some Internal Feedback There are multiple ways to gauge audience [...]
Project Albatross Milkshake: Intellifluence 2.0
This year is absolutely flying by! It seems like just yesterday we launched the first version of Intellifluence, in 100F+ temperatures, and soon we’ll be dealing with 100F+ temperatures again here in Scottsdale. Don’t feel bad for us, we had a lovely 4 month fallwinterspring. You’re not here to hear me talk about the weather though, are you? No, chances are [...]
Top Tier Influencers: Quality over Quantity
Now onto article 6 of 15, let the broken Sinkwitz record continue! We’ve covered at length the importance of keeping a focus, optimizing for that focus, and remaining resilient through the inevitable dips. Now, let us turn to the classic conundrum that faces all influencers: quality vs quantity. What Does Quality Even Mean? Quantity is a fairly well-established definition, meaning “how much” or “how many” — it [...]
The Importance of Influencer Resilience
Welcome to article 5 of this 15 part series on how to become a top tier influencer. While this is a bit more of a standalone piece than some of the others, it would still be useful to read the following: How to improve visibility How to determine what to focus on Optimizing your focus and visibility efforts Negotiating for fit [...]
Influencers Should Negotiate Too
At this point in the process, if you’re reading a piece on negotiating as an influencer, you have hopefully settled on an area of focus and are working hard on constantly optimizing your visibility. If you are, then it is no surprise that you’re now getting pitched. The question then: when and how should you negotiate? In all fairness, we’ve written about negotiation before, from the optics of [...]
Optimize Your Influence
Before you can attempt to optimize your influence online, make sure that you first understand where you want to be visible and what your main focus will be. The analogy I like to use here is attempting to pick out the perfect pair of shoes without first understanding what activity and what occasion the shoes are for —ok, I know nothing about shoes, but [...]