The Intellifluence Blog
From Influencer Spotlights, where we chat with influencers in our network about their approach to influencer marketing, to helpful tutorials and updates about our system, the Intellifluence blog is chock-full of information that will help you elevate your approach to influencer marketing as a brand, influencer, talent manager or digital marketer!
Discover the New Discover: From Your Feedback
Intellifluencers, Like most SaaS companies, we get a lot of feedback from our user base. Some of that feedback for future development is easier to justify on the basis of resource ease or high expected impact; sometimes though we're presented with a variety of somewhat conflicting feedback and then need to make design decisions around how to solve that. That's [...]
PRESS RELEASE: Intellifluence Partners with LinkResearchTools to Offer Influencer Blog Scoring
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Intellifluence enables brands to partner with influencers to achieve their influencer marketing goals. The company recently partnered with LinkResearchTools (LRT) to offer scoring for influencer blogs. SCOTTSDALE, AZ, February 14, 2018 – Intellifluence, an influencer marketing SaaS, is announcing a new partnership with LinkResearchTools that will offer blog scoring metrics to assist brand subscribers in determining the [...]
Now in Print: The Ultimate Guide to Using Influencer Marketing
Who knew publishing books would be so hard? Aside from all the authors and publishers out there that have actually done this before I mean. The Kindle edition of the book (available here) launched back in December, but we wanted to wait several weeks before launching a print version because we knew there would inevitably be edits...and there were. Quite [...]
Book Launch! The Ultimate Guide to Using Influencer Marketing
I am pleased to announce that after spending over a year writing and editing, we have finally gotten word that the book is live and ready for human consumption on Amazon; breakout that Kindle and grab it here. The print version will take a little bit longer. What’s in the book? It is essentially a compilation, into a more digestible format, [...]
Operation Redo Everything
Well that was fun. Remember when I posted way back in September of something coming soon? Soon was a relative term to mean “not yet…no, not yet…Joe, back off…it’s 2am Joe, stop calling!” It started in March just after Project Albatross Milkshake, with Terry and I talking about how to incorporate some of the feedback we’d been receiving a steady [...]
Coming soon! Here’s a sneak peek on what the Intellifluence engineering and product teams are hard at work developing. It’s good news for both brands needing a more in-depth influencer marketing tool and influencers alike, and I can’t wait for you to see it live and in action. Less talking. More video.
Scammers (Attempt to) Leverage Scale
Why did you do it Homer?! I don’t have to tell you what kind of heart wrenching disaster Hurricane Harvey was. It was bad; you know it, I know it, and unfortunately scammers know it. Before I go any further, maybe we can try to turn this crap into a positive. Borrowing from my friend Rae Hoffman let’s try to #bethegood here. [...]
The Influencer Marketing Affiliate Program You’ve Been Waiting For
As I hinted during our funding blog post, there’s some more exciting stuff to talk about today. This post has been in draft mode for a few days because I wasn’t quite sure when we’d be able to fully announce the partnership, but we are oh-so-ready. The Intellifluence influencer marketing affiliate program is a go. You can read a bit [...]
Intellifluence Took Some Money So You Can Make More of It
This is going to be a crazy week, let me tell you. This is just one little bit of news, with another fun announcement coming on its heels. Let me break down what’s going on: The Intellifluence team took a little bit of money from Plan C Partners; you can read a bit more about that here. Intellifluence intends to use that [...]
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Top Tier Influencer
What I’ve written over the past several months is what I hope you’ll find to be a detailed guide on how to become what you might consider a top tier influencer and is meant to be a companion piece with the Ultimate Guide to Using Influencer Marketing. The process is designed to start with understanding visibility, picking a focus on [...]