Atul Rai

Atul Rai


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Hi ,
I am Atul Rai, a YouTuber and a influencer. As an influencer , I can work on every brand cause I am Daily Vlogger ,And I can advertise daily usable goods. I am thinking of a transformation , so I can give review on health nutrition product, I am gamer , that's include all the games and consoles. I am software engineer by profession , so I give technical review on every product.
My Girlfriend is fashion freak. So she can take care of all the beauty products + make-up products.
In simple words I can add any brand to Mt daily life routine and can vlog it also .
Hoping to have a great deals with brands .

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 18.04%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 58
View Average 341
Play Average 726

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