Top Influencers
The Intellifluence community is built of more than 254,000 influencers.
This list features the top 10 influencers: Hungary.
Fernanda Marx
I'm a Brazilian living in Hungary. I have more than 28k followers on my tiktok account and up to 1.2M likes, on avarage during 28 days I...
Peter Borszeki
Hi!My name is Peter Borszeki. I'm an online influencer, personal trainer, youtuber and law student from Hungary. I started instagram in...
Flora Garai
Hello, my name is Flora Garai. I do modelling 10 years in my country and in abroad too. I became an influencer and blogger few years a...
Balazs Simon
Balázs Simonthe owner of Maya & Loki &n...
Jeannette Kecskeméti
Hi! I'm Jennie! I have a youtube channel jennieland01 with 19000 subscribers and counting! My channel is in Hungarian because I live in...
Laszlo Cziraki
There is always a good idea!I have been working as a database manager since 2016.I promote products, pages, brands, music, videos, etc on my...
Beata Parraghy
I'm Bea, a beauty influencer and content creator passionate about the beauty industry and makeup trends. Over the past [x] years, I've built...
Tamás Guba
Big hello for everyone! First of all, my english not the best, but I hope you will understand my words. My original name is Tamás Gub...
Ferenc Matkovics
Nyugdíjas vagyok, 69.-éves. Szeretnék már pénzt keresni.Nagyon érdekesnek tűnik ez a feladat, igye...
MrBaffled Influencer
I have been actively doing content on social media for over a year. I have three YouTube channels, one dealing specifically with techn...