Tamás Guba

Tamás Guba


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Big hello for everyone! First of all, my english not the best, but I hope you will understand my words. My original name is Tamás Guba, but some people knows me as Tony Baritoon. I'm a hungarian actor and ex pro-wrestler and I have a YouTbe channel name's FIGHT. The FIGHT is a channel for Mortal Kombat, Tekken and other fighting games. I make fandubs for fighting games' stories, sometimes I make gameplay, I make lore videos, news in the fighting game genre etc. In this minute, when I write my bio, I have 4-5000 subscribers. If you make something what is connect with fighting games, videogamming, martial arts, fighting sport or pro-wrestling and Hungary is a potential market to you, I'm your man! I open to charity and charity events too. Have a nice day! Tony Baritoon [link-omitted] or [link-omitted]

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