Tando Njikelana

Tando Njikelana

South Africa

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My Name is Thando Njikelana, a young and spirited colleague student currently trying navigating through the various plot twists that is my engineering qualification. I regard myself as ambitious and driven, thrive on challenge, and constantly set goals for myself, so I always have something to be proud of and rewarding. This means I never settle, and am always looking for an opportunity to learn and be better. On the very rare occasion that I am unfaithful to my academic commitments, one can often find me deep within the cuddles of a really good book, or hiking up the various trails along the Table Mountain region. I enjoy exploring and navigating through good food and wine locations with my friends , and have a solid appetite for gaming and social media... I am looking for a fresh and exciting ways to engage with the world, while keeping up with trends, enjoying new experiences and making new connections. This is definitely a most welcomed opportunity to be part of something exciting and fresh.

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