Sukma Meganingrum

Sukma Meganingrum


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Sukma Meganingrum, a mother with two daughters. Loved the world of literacy since she was in junior high school. In addition, Sukma also likes theater, hiking, and climbing.

Sukma's work experience is as a laboratory analyst in Wing Food, noodle, and baverage division for 5 years. After that Sukma became a document controller in the R&D Pharma department, Enesis Group company. 

Through her work experience and interests, she chose to become an influencer, blogger, and writer.

She love design, writing and DIY. I am also interested in parenting and traveling. My blog contains various themes such as tips, lifestyle, reviews, health, parenting science, and others.

Sukma started working with clients and agencies.

She have published twelve anthology books, ranging from poetry, quotes, picture storiesnon-fiction stories.

It's a pleasure to work with you.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 33.54%
Comment Average 47
Like Average 693
View Average 756
Play Average 2K

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