God fearing woman
All things hair, beauty, fashion and lifestyle
A woman with intention, with creative vision
I love everything hair related, expecially natural hair. I do most of my hairstyles myself and care for my hair myself at home.
Another thing i love is dressing up. I have to look good almost everyday and change up mt outfits as much as possible. That being said im a university student who has to look good for classes everyday.
Looking good come with good makeup products so yes i definately invest my money and skills there as well.
I love beautiful scenery, that is just genetics i inherited from my mother and im so grateful for it. My space needs to always be clean, we love traveling and trying new things.
l am generally a curios and experimental individual and im aware that in the influencing space its all about trying new things and products and sharing it with the world so that i what i am open to do on a broad spectrum.
I look forward to working with you.