Jimmy Ahyari

Jimmy Ahyari


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I’m blogger who wrote in Bahasa Indonesia at [link-omitted] (this blog is about tech news and related topics). I started blogging since 2008 until now; It even became the main job. I can translate English to Indonesian (if your content is in English) then publish it on our blog. I can also give app reviews on the App Store or on Google Play. I have also been a speaker at an Affiliate Marketing-themed event. I have also won several SEO contests held in Indonesia. If you are curious about me, just Googling my name ^_^

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Some of their offers

I will write & publish a high quality 500+ word SEO article at my tech blog
Post on Blog

I will write & publish a high quality 500+ word SEO article at my tech blog



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.17%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 5
View Average 326

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I will Try out your product and share my results, along with photos and links
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will Try out your product and share my results, along with photos and links

I will review your product on HorrorNewsNetTV Youtube channel
Video Review on YouTube

I will review your product on HorrorNewsNetTV Youtube channel

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