mohammed Vicky alam

mohammed Vicky alam


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Hi my name is Mohammed, I presently have a show on YouTube about cooking and review of restaurant's . My goal is to give the most authentic and truthful on my reviews and also traditional recipes of Bangladesh and all over the world with a pinch of my own take. Due to Covid and restrictions on my city most of people order in and I'm there for them to give a idea to see which restaurant food is best to order at home . you guys can follow my YouTube channel [link-omitted] .

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 18.18%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 5
Play Average 243
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I will post creative content for brands that connect with my lifestyle.
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I will post creative content for brands that connect with my lifestyle.

I will curate an engaging review thats relatable to the viewer & shows its pros
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I will curate an engaging review thats relatable to the viewer & shows its pros

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