Michelle Farley

Michelle Farley

United States

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Hi, I'm Michelle Farley.

A.K.A The Writer Lady

I'm a copywriting strategist and consultant. I help businesses gain a competitive edge, stand out online, build credibility and get more clients.

As a kid, my imagination ran wild and I filled notebooks with creative ideas and stories of seemingly regular children doing extraordinary things. To nurture my creative spirit, I earned a B.A and M.F.A in creative writing and later established a boutique copywriting agency, helping hundreds of entrepreneurs and brands effectively share their stories with the world.

As a professional copywriter and consultant, I'm experienced in applying creative copywriting and content creation to help fuel marketing initiatives that grow businesses and amplify their visibility - online and offline. I craft engaging tones and use language to deliver effective campaigns with a great return on investment. My human-centric writing style provides powerful messaging that creates a desire for the advertised product or service, incites people into action, and satisfies my client's expectations by clearly outlining the unique selling points so people can readily understand them and search engines.


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Some of their offers

I will be your social media influencer for your  brand
Video Review on Instagram

I will be your social media influencer for your brand



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 16.79%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 47
View Average 0
Play Average 1K

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I will promote your brand/product in a persuasive optimistic way.
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will promote your brand/product in a persuasive optimistic way.

I will post a photo of your product
Social Review on Instagram

I will post a photo of your product

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