Maricris Aurestila

Maricris Aurestila


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Hello! I'm Cris. A 30 something lifestyle blogger based in Manila, Philippines. I started blogging in 2017. I joined Nuffnang Philippines during that year and won blog contests and worked with some local brands for campaign posts and events. I even worked with brands outside the country like Althea Korea and SkinnyPop Popcorn. 

The reason I started blogging is that ever since as a child, I always write my thoughts. I used to have a 'diary' where I just basically write what happens to me in a day. However, that stopped when I started college. Fast forward to 2017, I got inspired by one of the mommy blogs I stumbled upon in and here we are, I now write content that helps my client promote their brand, whilst making sure that I follow the writing style of their company and its SEO-friendly. 

To see some of my work, you may visit my blog here:

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