Maria Cecilia Franco

Maria Cecilia Franco


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Every life journey tells a unique story, and mine paints a vivid tapestry of exploration, passion, and purpose. As I reflect upon my life's chapters, what emerges is an ongoing journey of discovery—of the world, of motherhood, and of the intricate balance between nature and nurture.

As a dedicated Montessori mom, I've embraced the responsibility of shaping a young mind. My son's innate curiosity and zest for life fuel our daily adventures and inspire me to approach every lesson with creativity and enthusiasm. Together, we delve into the wonders of nature, and it’s through this shared journey that I discovered the magic of essential oils. These tiny bottles encapsulate the essence of the earth, providing holistic solutions and enhancing our everyday life.

But my passion doesn’t end there. I am a fervent advocate for clean beauty, believing that what we put on our bodies is just as crucial as what we put into them. With hands steeped in nature's bounty, I craft natural artisan soaps and organic skincare and beauty products. Every product I create is a testament to my commitment to purity, quality, and sustainability.

Advertisers seeking a genuine connection with an engaged audience will find a partner in me, as big beauty brand have when I ran my beauty blog before. Now, my readers are a community of like-minded individuals who value authenticity, wellness, and the beauty of handcrafted products. Together, we celebrate a life led by intention and enriched by nature's finest gifts.

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I will do an authentic review for your brand!

I will do an authentic blog review for your product and/or brand!
Post on Blog

I will do an authentic blog review for your product and/or brand!



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I will write a 500 word article to promote your product or service
Post on Blog

I will write a 500 word article to promote your product or service

I will promote the product through sharing it on Instagram
Social Share on Instagram

I will promote the product through sharing it on Instagram

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