Kara Santos

Kara Santos


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Kara Santos is a freelance writer and photographer based in Manila, Philippines. Her blog Travel Up, one of the top travel blogs in the country, features local and international travel destinations, extreme adventures, motorcycling, biking food trips, and video games. As a freelance writer, Kara's work has been published widely in broadsheets, print, lifestyle, in-flight magazines & online media.

I am open to advertisers and blog collaborations related to travel, adventure, tourism and the outdoors. For advertising inquiries and collaborations, please email me at [link-omitted].

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Some of their offers

I will post an organic review of a brand on my blog.
Post on Blog

I will post an organic review of a brand on my blog.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.30%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 12

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Video Review on Instagram

I will Post a video or review on my instagram producting a product!

I will review and promote your brand
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I will review and promote your brand

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