Jude Ameworlor

Jude Ameworlor


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Ameworlor Divine Jude, known professionally as Bra Jude Gh, is a Ghanaian celebrity blogger, freelance journalist, and Artiste Promoter.

He founded [link-omitted], an entertainment website and blog that primarily publishes news about celebrities. He has made significant contributions to several pan-African websites, including [link-omitted], [link-omitted], and [link-omitted].

He has worked with top brands like Choirmaster, Artisans Association of Ghana, Divangel Printing Press, Aleta Multimedia, etc.

He is currently the chief editor for [link-omitted]net and [link-omitted], he also work as the ICT coordinator for Artisans Association of Ghana.

He has been nominated twice for the Blogger of the Year award at the 2018 and 2019 Ashaiman Music Awards respectively.

He was awarded the best blogger of the year at the 2020 edition of Tema Entertainment Awards. 

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