Jonathan Tyborn

Jonathan Tyborn


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!
Hi, Our group interracts on Youtube and Tiktok With the name (Hermanos). We're based in Sweden.
We make sketches on our Tiktok, and longer videos were we do Pranks, adventure, Vloggs & challenges on Youtube. 

Our tiktok has 52.5K Followers and the avreage video view is 100-140k
And Our youtube Chanel is recently started with 1.7K Subscribers and aveage view per video is 4K and growing fast! 
 Our intrests is travel, fittnes, gaming/gambling & cars Etc....

We have done collaberations before accopanied by different products with great outcome.

To see Jonathan's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 31.98%
Comment Average 208
Like Average 30K
Play Average 306K
Share Average 785

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