Gabrielle Russillo

Gabrielle Russillo

United States

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Hello, I'm Gabby and I'm currently running an Instagram page that mainly focuses on healthy eating and a healthy life style! I post content that consists of meals that I have cooked a long with meals that others have cooked and share with me. (That's when I give them a shout out on my page)! The food I cook is mainly vegetarian/Vegan. I also share with my followers my life inside NYC from time to time. Since I promote eating clean, and replenishing your body, products such as juices, smoothies, or "superfoods" that go into smoothie bowls like chia seeds, flax seeds, goji berries, plant based protein powders etc. I could help your brand and promote on my page. Healthy drinks that give you electrolytes such as coconut water/maple water would be awesome. Also since I cook, I could help feature different kitchen appliances/or table settings. I have talked about face masks before as well, which I will continue to do, so that can be a product I could feature for you. If your product falls into a healthy life style/natural category I will be more than happy to help your brand!

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