Dwi Sari

Dwi Sari


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Hi, I'm a mother et blogger. From Indonesian and blogging since 2010. Writing about lifestyle articles, with SEO friendly.

Fyi, some articles was sponsored by brands and usualli I'm using it as well to amplify audience's trust from my story.

One of my sponsored articles Cetaphil's product, comes as top search on my blog.

I do travel as well, and share it my travel's experience in [link-omitted]'s category. As a mother I loves cooking to, and not forget to share some recipes :)

Getting bored at home? Nope! Due to I loves watch movie too, hehe. My blog provided [link-omitted] too.

To see Dwi's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will review your product based on experience of mine
Post on Blog

I will review your product based on experience of mine

I will review your product
Social Review on Instagram

I will review your product



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 10.88%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 16
Play Average 434
Share Average 0

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I will do a product shoot and will publish on Pinterest Only
Social Share on Pinterest

I will do a product shoot and will publish on Pinterest Only

I will Promote Your Applications,Websites and Others.
Social Engagement on YouTube

I will Promote Your Applications,Websites and Others.

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