Deji Mark

Deji Mark


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I'm a physical therapist, adding life to years, with a passion to promoting good mental, social, emotional and physical well-being for the purpose for helping individuals of all ages.

As a physical therapist and health educator on social media(@PhysioIntel), I aim to deliver education and inspiration  to a variety of audiences striving to make every event a memorable experience, placing an emphasis on delivering actionable health content, however impacting positive changes in individual lives.

I recently founded a non-profit health organization(Haven Therapia) with a service brand(physical therapy), with its focus on developing, maintaining and promoting neuroogical health to its full capacity, also providing pure and professional services to humanity. 

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Some of their offers

I will offer social share services using Twitter
Social Share on X/Twitter

I will offer social share services using Twitter

I will offer social review services on twitter
Social Review on X/Twitter

I will offer social review services on twitter



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.12%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 4

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