Danny Levan

Danny Levan


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Danny Levan(Bulgarian: Дани Левън), is pop, dance and house music singer and songwriter born in Bulgaria in the city of Burgas as Daniel Dimitrov Rusev (Bulgarian: Даниел Димитров Русев) [1] with Greek roots from his mother's side.[2] Realized many projects in Bulgaria and around the world. Levan began his career using his birth name. Afterwards, he changed his name to the stage name "Danny Levan." In 2008, he released his first song, "Something New" (Bulgarian: Нещо ново).[3]

In the same year, he released the songs "Can We," "Pink Days," and "I Want from You" (a duet with another singer, Leo, from the reality show Big Brother).[4]

In 2009, with the composer Martin Biolchev, Levan made the song "Infuse Me" (Bulgarian: Влей се в мен, literally Pour yourself into me).[5] "Infuse Me" was aired live on the nationwide TV channel bTV on the comedy show "The Comedians." [6] At the end of 2009, he shot two videos, for the songs "Something New" and "Infuse Me," with him as director, which officially went online in 2010.[7] Many concerts and television and radio appearances followed. However, from 2011 to 2013, he paused his musical career. In October 2011, because of an invitation from the leader of the Bulgarian party "SEK," Danny Levan became a candidate for Burgas municipal elections counselor[clarification needed] for 2011.[8]

At the same time, from 2011 to 2013, he was sent several contracts for Bulgarian and foreign musical companies and labels, but did not accept any of them.

In 2013, he created a self-written song, "Body Shaker" with Bate Pesho, which was nominated for the first musical awards from BOX TV, the national musical television.[9] The video to the song was filmed by Bashmotion and went live during August of the same year.

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