Giancarlo Martinuzzi

Giancarlo Martinuzzi


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An ear for detail, a visionary for creativity that sets himself apart from your average Artist, and endless influences over many decades, collectively spawned the birth of an insatiably driven Pop artist that decided to take the road of showcasing his foundation through versatility and inspiration from his surroundings, experiences, and the love for 80s Pop culture. And thus, the manifestation of recording artist Nevò began to hit the ground running not long after his inception into the realm of music.

Hailing from the landscapes of Zurich, Nevò was born as an Italian emigrant in a small Switzerland town, however, with big dreams that would soon illustrate the future years of his life. This dream being Music; a creator with a goal that would have him pulling out all the stops to make his mark in the Music Business, and sharing his music with the world around him.

Nevò, who already has a knack for fashion sense that quickly developed his artist image, combines a musical chemistry comprised of Pop (with the image integration deeming the style: Fashion Pop), Electronic, and Urban. Nevò's smooth, dynamic, and crooning vocals along with his chiseled model features, assures to bring the perfect parallel of Fashion and Music together, which results in an astonishing live-show that explodes like a high-energy Fashion & Concert experience packed with the quality sides of Nevò's combination of both Entertainment Industry fields. This versatility, energy, and stage presence has been one of his defining factors as an artist, which has helped him garner acclaim among his scene and fan base.

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Comment Average 38
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