Clarissa Chronister

Clarissa Chronister

United States

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I'm 26, live in Arkansas with my wonderful boyfriend and our beautiful 1 year old daughter. I love online shopping, coupons, samples, free stuff and product reviews. I'm interested in trying anything and will leave honest reviews. I have experience in product reviews and will leave reviews on all necessary websites and also share on social media sites, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Amazon with pictures and videos of necessary. I will review anything as long as the cost of the item I'm reviewing is covered upfront and get to keep free product for reviewing, cash is also nice extra for the review, but not required. I just love being able to try new things and help other influence other consumers for purchasing products. Personally I like to read reviews on products before I buy them online and it helps a lot knowing a little bit about it before buying, but won't completely astray me from buying a a product of someone doesn't like it, because everyone has their own opinion but I like to help make positive influences for companies marketing their products and would love to be a part of their success! :)

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