BB Raina

BB Raina


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I am BB Raina from the National Capital Region, Delhi, India. I am a retired Electrical Engineer  from a reputed  Oil & Gas Company in India. I retired in June 2016 after putting in about 35 years of service in the company. My last posting was as Chief Manager (Alternate Energy) in the areas of renewable energy viz., solar and wind.

I am 64 years old of small build. I live with my family along with my family which constitutes myself, my wife and two sons and a daughter-in-law. My elder son and daughter-in-law live in US where my son is doing post doctorate in Neurosciences. My younger son lives with us. He is in the field of sports, working as Strength and Conditioning Coach in the sport of Cricket. 

I love watching movies in theatre and webseries on TV at home. I like action spy thrillers, war movies, movies of historical importance and Hindu mythological TV serials. I am a Hindu by faith- A proud one at that. 

Presently, I enjoy my post retirement life with my family. I love to stay busy. I am on SM platforms like facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp. I am on Quora contributing my pieces regularly.  I love to read books. I do tweeting, watch TV and keep myself abreast of the happenings in the world. 

Warm Regards

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