My name is Austin Newland, and I’m a 16 year old high schooler located in Columbus, Ohio. I’m a growing influencer on Tik Tok. I have over 45,000 followers, and I make a variety of content, mainly focusing in comedy. I started posting videos in November of 2018 and constantly posting ever since, now with over 450 videos on my page, and 1.5 million likes. Through all my experience making videos, I’m ready to elevate my content to the next level and collaborate with brands. I’m very excited to take this next step in my internet career, and will look forward to reaching out to future partners.
Austin Newland
United States
Follower Engagement / Demographics
Average Engagement Rate by Reach | 18.86% |
Comment Average | 38 |
Like Average | 12K |
Play Average | 94K |
Share Average | 30 |
0-500 | 11.30% |
500-1000 | 7.22% |
1000-1500 | 6.02% |
1500+ | 75.47% |
Female | 72.20% |
Male | 27.80% |
13-17 | 19.73% |
18-24 | 66.37% |
25-34 | 10.99% |
35-44 | 1.98% |
45-64 | 0.94% |
65+ | 0.00% |
Genders per Age
13-17 | Male 3.76% Female 15.97% |
18-24 | Male 16.79% Female 49.57% |
25-34 | Male 5.13% Female 5.86% |
35-44 | Male 1.39% Female 0.58% |
45-64 | Male 0.73% Female 0.22% |
65+ | Male 0.00% Female 0.00% |
Top Languages
English | 95.66% |
Spanish | 0.74% |
German | 0.56% |
Dutch | 0.52% |
Top Countries
United States | 81.56% |
United Kingdom | 4.54% |
Canada | 3.41% |
Australia | 1.68% |
Ireland | 0.60% |
The Netherlands | 0.55% |
Sweden | 0.54% |
* This data may be out of date.