Ann Orquillas

Ann Orquillas

Hong Kong

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I am domestic helper here in Hongkong and at the same time  YouTube Vlogger.I am from Philippines and a Christian .I am singlemum for three sons ages 18,16,12 and they all live to my own house in  [link-omitted]ng my  holiday I  spend on any outdoors activity such as  hiking,beaches and all outdoors activities and I love photography.I do some photoshoots of swimwear and would love to join any swimwear competition and such modelling .I love also witnessing some sunsets that could really relieved me on my tiring days at work

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Some of their offers

I will be a model of swimwear
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I will be a model of swimwear



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Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.87%
Comment Average 4
Like Average 34
View Average 76
Play Average 146

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I will share your products as much as needed and possible to make sure the
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I will share your products as much as needed and possible to make sure the

I will make a short interesting video
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I will make a short interesting video

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