Aisha Ayesha

Aisha Ayesha


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Aisha Ayesha is a Singaporean-based alternative R&B/Pop artist. As a singer-songwriter & producer, she is influenced by artists like BTS, Chloe x Halle Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello and Rihanna, etc. Songwriting is the only way she can fully express her thoughts and feelings as genuinely as possible. Aisha strongly believes in music for healing, hence, is an advocate for mental health. "Real" is the word to describe her music. There is no other way to be, except 100% herself.

TWT: @ayeshamusic IG: @aishaayeshamusic

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 24.18%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 151
Play Average 2K
Share Average 1

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