Last Updated on November 3, 2020
After evaluating the data coming in from both our front facing campaign wizard as well as our in-app campaign setup process, we realized that we could be making life easier for brands by helping them start all campaigns by fixating on a specific goal (goals as varied as product reviews on Instagram that yield sales to service reviews by technology bloggers that improve search rankings) and then walk them through the details required to maximize the success of that campaign. Not every brand is the same and not every data field is necessary, so we completely revamped how we go about collecting that campaign information in a way to get campaigns setup faster and even go so far as to select recommended influencers to pitch upon the conclusion of the setup process. Our support team is excited about this because we’ll be able to eliminate a couple regularly received support ticket types by doing this.
Want to see how different the campaign setup is? It’s night and day because we kept the campaign modification/setup as close to the original as we could, given how big of a change this is on the backend.

You can now easily create a campaign based on your specific goals.
You can now see how your offer appears to Influencers as you’re creating it!
If you have old campaigns running — don’t worry, you can keep using them through the end of the year; you just won’t be able to make changes to those old campaigns, so the recommended path is to duplicate and archive your old campaigns (which will automatically use the new campaign setup process) and give the new campaign setup process a test run sooner than later, as in our beta testing we’re seeing a higher pitch-to-acceptance rate due to the improved focus.
For influencers, this is going to result in cleaner and tighter pitches because the campaign process will be helping guide companies into focusing on a single network at a time with a single goal; when you get pitched it’ll be at an improved relevancy. Additionally, we baked in some new anti-fraud tools in order to help prevent brands from misleading influencers on certain offer types – this is going to be really great for the entire influencer community.
There’s a lot more updates coming; not everything deserves a blog post, but I believe with the ~45 or so updates currently in QA, Intellifluence’s usability and effectiveness will only keep improving through the end of the year.
Thank you my lovely influencers and brands!
Now go checkout Andrew’s new walkthrough video on this beautiful campaign setup process. *chef’s kiss*
Joe, CEO and Co-Founder of Intellifluence, has over 25 years of experience in SEO, leading several successful marketing companies and providing expert consultation. He is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Using Influencer Marketing, which is available as an eBook or in print.