Xavier Smith

Xavier Smith

United States

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I am [link-omitted]. I have many names, but I only have one mission! I have been sent here to IMPACT - INSPIRE & IMPROVE the lives of others by pointing people to solutions that work for them and their lifestyle EVEN if I don't own them myself! 

I place my life (hit-and-run drunk driver survivor, heart attack, and pulmonary embolism thriver) and place it at your service because all things happened FOR me, not to me! 

Everything I have gone through in life was to prepare me for the next phase of greatness in my own life as well as help me guide others around the pitfalls I have already experienced!

I am here to serve for the greater good of all!

To see Xavier's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will create a positive review video for your brand.
Video Review on YouTube

I will create a positive review video for your brand.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.32%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 7
Play Average 292
Share Average 0

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I will do a complete product review
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I will do a complete product review

I will be able to make your product reach the correct target market .
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I will be able to make your product reach the correct target market .

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