Vusa Ncube

Vusa Ncube

South Africa

16K Reach

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I'm thrilled by Industrial Automation and Process Control, Condition Monitoring, Production Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance, Industrial Software as well as the imminent industry onslaught by 4IR.

IIoT-solutions in general are threatening to wipe off a huge number of legacy systems and they a formidable disruption unfolding before our eyes like never before. Gainsome Implementations of these systems is what is the challenge with most OEM companies and many System Integrators alike. Often, cases that I meet with in the industry are over-engineered systems that solve no problem and even threaten to become a problem on their own. What is actually required boils down to:

1.) Highly / all inclusive interoperability

2.) Plug and play capabilities 

3.) Long product life 

4.) Communication via 6lowpan or any other cheaper networks 

5.)  MQTT protocol 

With that as basic / standard product spec, then anything else is a plus and if the hardware and software is good. I give a thumbs up!

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