veronika suvorova

veronika suvorova


14K Reach

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Hello! I'm Nika, a youtuber (based in Italy), and in my channel all the topics are related to health, beauty & reviews all this in ASMR mode.

ASMR is a method of relaxation, which leads people to sometimes watch the same video multiple times, therefore this brings more success from the point of view of imprinting the brand name and product into the people.

I will make a video as required by dedicating a whole video to your brand. The minimum length will be 10 minutes.

I have two channels: 

English one (audience = 40% US, the rest from all over the world)

Italian one (audience = 70% female - age 18-34)

To see veronika's full profile please login or register.

Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.83%
Comment Average 13
Like Average 99
View Average 1K

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I will promote your product via Facebook

I will provide a honest review and create content
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I will provide a honest review and create content

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