Carmen Miller

Carmen Miller

United States

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Hi. my name is Carmen. I have a YouTube channel named Carma's Thrifty At Fifty. I'm also on Instagram under the same name, which is linked to the Influencer site. I love doing unboxing / review video's for my viewers. It's a great way for not only me to try a new product but to also share these great products with my viewer's! I have over 1040 subscribers on YouTube and am growing. My channel is known as a shopping channel. I show products in different price ranges. I think think this is very important to do as everyone's budget is different. I not only do an unboxing / review video's but I also put the products on shorts video's. I look forward to showing your products on my YouTube channel! Thank you Carmen

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I will do unboxing and review video's of your products
Video Review on YouTube

I will do unboxing and review video's of your products

I will share posts and reels
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I will share posts and reels



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