My name is Veronica Carpita and I'Italian woman. I'm an Agronomist and I love Sea, mountains and all Natural landscape, than I love my life. My passion Is photography and my subjects are Natural landscape, birds, and funny moments of my Life. Three months ago I started to play Guitar, and I like it. I'm a funny Person who like meeting people all over the world for knowing their histories. I practice very much sport because I like to feel alive. I like to have a healthy Life and eat healthy food
Veronica Carpita
Follower Engagement / Demographics
Average Engagement Rate by Reach | 0.59% |
Comment Average | 9 |
Like Average | 213 |
0-500 | 15.29% |
500-1000 | 15.39% |
1000-1500 | 10.95% |
1500+ | 58.37% |
Male | 57.80% |
Female | 42.20% |
13-17 | 2.05% |
18-24 | 16.09% |
25-34 | 33.46% |
35-44 | 25.47% |
45-64 | 22.40% |
65+ | 0.53% |
Genders per Age
13-17 | Male 0.77% Female 1.29% |
18-24 | Male 7.20% Female 8.89% |
25-34 | Male 19.12% Female 14.34% |
35-44 | Male 16.10% Female 9.36% |
45-64 | Male 14.29% Female 8.11% |
65+ | Male 0.32% Female 0.21% |
White / Caucasian | 73.58% |
Hispanic | 9.78% |
Asian | 12.60% |
African American | 4.03% |
Top Languages
English | 38.35% |
Italian | 25.43% |
Spanish | 9.73% |
Portuguese | 5.02% |
Top Interests
Camera & Photography | 53.87% |
Travel, Tourism & Aviation | 50.80% |
Restaurants, Food & Grocery | 41.50% |
Friends, Family & Relationships | 37.69% |
Pets | 35.67% |
Clothes, Shoes, Handbags & Accessories | 35.40% |
Art & Design | 33.09% |
Sports | 29.36% |
Electronics & Computers | 29.05% |
Cars & Motorbikes | 28.61% |
Toys, Children & Baby | 26.27% |
Television & Film | 25.03% |
Top Countries
Italy | 28.72% |
United States | 12.55% |
Brazil | 4.40% |
United Kingdom | 3.36% |
Spain | 3.18% |
Germany | 3.10% |
India | 3.10% |
Top States
California | 2.02% |
Florida | 1.13% |
New York | 1.01% |
Texas | 0.78% |
North Carolina | 0.51% |
Colorado | 0.48% |
Washington | 0.45% |
Top Cities
Milan, IT | 1.58% |
Rome, IT | 1.14% |
Istanbul, TR | 0.81% |
New York City, US | 0.72% |
London, GB | 0.66% |
Santiago, CL | 0.63% |
Naples, IT | 0.54% |
* This data may be out of date.