Vanessa Ramos

Vanessa Ramos


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Vance is a freelance writer, former social media community manager and part-time events coordinator. She's part of the digital marketing trio called EchoManila, a Web Dev & Branding Provider that delivers top-tier designs and broad results. They support small businesses build well & strategize online experiences by brand building, digital marketing strategies, and creating and re-designing user-friendly websites that meet business goals. At present, Vance is working full-time in a 5-star hotel in Manila. She is also a lifestyle blogger for 10 years and counting now. Her blog, Purple Plum Fairy was Nuffnang's Nutroplex Top of the Class Best Blog Story winner in 2010, Grand Winner of Contractubex Blog Contest in 2013 and Grand Champion for Digital Category in Sunlife's Sinag Awards for Financial Literacy in 2018. InterestsSharing a strong penchant for food, Vance loves all things good, but she will give up anything she’s doing for Japanese sashimi and hand-pulled noodles. Her other favorite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows. She lives in the south with her loving husband Jason and their miniature black poodle Eezy.

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