Octavia Dingss

Octavia Dingss


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Octavia Dingss is a self-portrait photographer and multitalented artist who began her creative journey at 13. Renowned for her unique approach to self-portraiture, she uses her work to provoke emotional depth and philosophical reflection. For collaborations, social media endorsements, or partnership inquiries, feel free to reach out via Email or @[link-omitted]ss 

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Some of their offers

I will create 2 (ugc product) beautiful high quality images promot
Social Share on Instagram

I will create 2 (ugc product) beautiful high quality images promot

I will Post a high quality photo
Social Review on Instagram

I will Post a high quality photo



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.61%
Comment Average 280
Like Average 12K
View Average 0
Play Average 99K

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I will Create a feed post OR reel showing / trying out the product(s)
Social Review on Instagram

I will Create a feed post OR reel showing / trying out the product(s)

I will socially engage with brand's posts
Social Engagement on X/Twitter

I will socially engage with brand's posts

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