Manila Concert Scene

Manila Concert Scene


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Manila Concert Scene is the powerhouse media outlet for concerts & LIVE events in the Philippines. Also, we are one of the most recognizable music & lifestle content brand in Southeast Asia.

Manila Concert Scene started in December 2009, brainchild by Kevin Pableo along with Danica Haresco. Manila Concert Scene’s goal is to make Manila as one of the international concert destinations not just in Asia, but globally. Aside of promoting upcoming events on our pages, our team deliver stories straight from the live event.

-Digital event & brand promotions through our website & social pages
-Event & brand features: Music, special events (theater, pageants, sporting & sports entertainment, family), lifestyle brands.
-Pre-event interview/articles and press release postings
-Press Conference coverage
-Event coverage: social media postings
-Event aftermath: full event photo album, videos, articles

Disclaimer: We are not a concert promoters, organizers and we are not producing live event shows as of now.

To see Manila Concert's full profile please login or register.

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