Tina Siuagan

Tina Siuagan


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Hello there! I am Tina, a senior law student and a lifestyle content creator. 

I am a registered nurse by profession, who decided to pursue her ultimate dream of becoming an attorney by studying law. 

To sustain my legal education, I worked as college instructor, content writer, and government employee in the last 7 years. The roles I assumed in these jobs gave me the sufficient exposure in the fields of education, territorial defense and national security, and content writing.

Currently taking a step back to finish my law degree, I'm completing my legal apprenticeship alongside doing content creation projects. As I do these, I also help and motivate my fellow law students (and other millennial professionals) by sharing my expertise and experiences with them via my Totetally Legal website. It is through this endeavor that I get to influence them to be more productive and motivated to achieve greater heights in everything they do -- big or small.

Allow me to help your business connect with my community of driven and goal-oriented individuals.

Let's talk.

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Average Engagement Rate by Reach 20.13%
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View Average 231

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