Tina Rodriguez

Tina Rodriguez


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I'm a Catholic wife and homeschooling mom by vocation, and a writer, editor, and content manager by profession. My husband and I, together with our kids, have a weekly show on YouTube called “Today with Team +JMJ+”, which you can find on the Faith Watch channel. I'm also one of the co-authors of "NEW NORMAL NEW BEGINNINGS: Inspiring Stories of Thriving Moms in the Midst of a Pandemic". As a resource speaker, I give talks on faith formation, intentional parenting, inspired family life, home education, personal finance, and authentic womanhood. I hope to encourage others to discover—and grow—the "riches" they already have through #TrulyRichandBlessed — my blog and other online and offline efforts. I AM ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITHOUT GOD. To Him be all the glory, now and forever!

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