TDPel Media

TDPel Media

United States

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TDPel Media is an online news and interview publishing platform. TDPel Media covers general news, politics, business, entertainment, environment, technology, lifestyle, culture, comedy, health, religion and others. We also widely cover events, and interview notable dignitaries. TDPel Media is committed to the simplicity of news and being straight to the point.

The company publishes 2 different editions of TDPel digital magazine on Press Reader daily. TDPel Media has been listed among The Globee Business Awardees and has also been referenced internationally.

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Some of their offers

I will write a great article on any title or insert links in existing articles
Post on Blog

I will write a great article on any title or insert links in existing articles



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.66%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 21
View Average 186
Play Average 576

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I will Post in repost account for publicity
Social Share on Facebook

I will Post in repost account for publicity

I will review book related spiritualism in ancient Javanese
Social Review on X/Twitter

I will review book related spiritualism in ancient Javanese

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