As a Network Marketing Professional distributing health products, l find people that are looking for alternative health solutions and provide them with the best solution on the market. Simultaneously, I find great people and offer then a great career in MLM whether or not they join my team. This all starts with a conversation and along the way we uncover personal values, aspirations and career goals. I am an optimistic, success driven guide and recruiter who is passionate about growing teams and achieving [link-omitted] the help, training, coaching, support and inspiration is guaranteed. I'm a Digital Creative, self taught Digital Marketer and Graphic Designer. I've grown my skills in Publishing, Photo editing and Video editing. I'm also a Business Networker. If I'm not working or learning, I'm watching soccer or The Big Bang Theory. I'm a huge music fan, a little biased to hip hop and we blog too with my team. I'm also part of several Community Service Organizations.
Tawanda Chari
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