Tarrah Drennan

Tarrah Drennan

United States

speedometerThere are 25K influencers with a reach over 20,000!Check out some other influencers

I am new to the Intellifluence community with this account but I have been creating original content for brands and have an active social media presence/experience working with various brands for over 11+ years thru many different social media platforms

I have an active and engaging following on my Instagram account foxy49erchick. My account pertains to sports related content. (Football)

I am interested in representing brands that are sports- related or similar. 

I am willing to create content to post on my own account and I am also willing to create content specifically catered for brands to use for their own use.  

To see Tarrah's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will create a post/story/reel
Social Share on Instagram

I will create a post/story/reel

I will post a review
Social Review on Instagram

I will post a review



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 6.78%
Comment Average 22
Like Average 592
View Average 2K

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I will Buy this if I were you
Video Review on YouTube

I will Buy this if I were you

I will write a post & written review about your brand or product
Social Review on Instagram

I will write a post & written review about your brand or product

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