Tamara South

Tamara South

United States

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Let me introduce myself my name is Tamara South and I am the Founder of a lifestyle travel blog called "Simply T Nicole" 

About Me

Simply T Nicole is a Family lifestyle blog that helps readers in all faucets of life.


I have worked as a blogger ambassador for Family Dolllar, Tweezerman, U.S Family Guide and HypeHair magazine. I am a blogger with Bronx mama and featured in Ebony, Huffington Post, HypeHair magazine [link-omitted]. My latest travel post has been reviewing the Hilton Grand International Drive hotel and CamelBack Resort as well as I-Fly as media as well as Legoland and Sea life in Florida. I recently worked with Maddam Tusset museum,UniversoulCircus, and Cirque DeSoleil. I am a contributing blogger for Huffington Post.

I have interviewed celebrities including Jill Scott hair stylist Felicia Leatherwood and influential leader T.D. Jakes daughter Sara Jakes Coleman, Mrs. Myesha Chaney, T.C. Stallings and Ms. Arianna Huffington the founder of Huffington Post.

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