Soumaya Laghiti

Soumaya Laghiti


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A native of Casablanca, Morocco, Stranger Souma’s musical journey started off with her learning to play multiple instruments. Enthralled by the advent and possibility of technology in music, she soon evolved into the respected DJ and producer that she is today, crafting a signature sound that is deep, minimal but decidedly soulful and spiritual, a tribute to the old soul of North Africa. Her influences are vast and varied, including Paul Kalkebrenner, Jeff Mills, Nicolas Jaar, Miss Kittin and more. Aside from being a DJ and producer, she is also co-founder of Moroccan-based record label, Volubilian Records, through which she actively champions the region's unique musical heritage, as well as greater opportunities for its female artists. 
 Latest releases : Waves Of Illusion [Pinkstar Black] All About Her [Surrender HQ] Expansion Ep [Volubilian Records] 

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