Sirita Wright

Sirita Wright

United States

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Sirita Wright aka @siritasavage is the co-founder and CMO of [link-omitted], a multimedia platform highlighting the businesses and lifestyles of women of color and multicultural communities in the cannabis industry. With a focus on creating dynamic content, EstroHaze provides cannabis ‘edutainment’ via their website, podcast, and live events.

Sirita graduated from Marymount University with a degree in Fashion Merchandising. She is a Canopy Boulder alum and the former Social Media Manager for Black Enterprise Magazine.

As a content creator, Sirita's work has been featured on HuffPost, Fortune, Black Enterprise, Marley Natural, and OKplayer. Sirita is based in NYC and is also a speaker and actress currently playing Camille in the award-winning web series 195Lewis. She’s been featured on The Breakfast Club (3x), Arise TV, and has made an appearance on the ID channels hit show My Dirty Little Secret!

Connect with Sirita on Instagram & Twitter @siritasavage & visit her lifestyle blog [link-omitted]

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