Sihle Nkomo

Sihle Nkomo

South Africa

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I'm currently working in Mechanical Engineering but my interests vary into many different fields. I believe that having many interests makes for a colourful and diverse range into things around the world. 

In this day and age we as people are always on our phones and that goves us an easy means to reaching out and communicating with the world at a drop of a hat. Information,shopping, gaming ,music a lot of things can be shared via social media. Millions of people have at least one form of social media or at least an email account. This in change makes data and any sort of information or data and even a form of advertising accesible from a simple post to.a pop up ad.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.61%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 24
View Average 306
Play Average 555

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