Sheryl Dicman

Sheryl Dicman


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I’m Sheryl, I’m a travel & lifestyle blogger. 
Living in Japan has been an incredible experience and has fueled my creativity and love for storytelling.

 I have been in different fields working with different nationalities, and also collaborated with well-known travel Blog Sites in Japan, Through these, it has allowed me to enhance my copywriting and provide valuable insights.

I worked with top Travel website in Japan which is MATCHA & Gaijinpot. I also do collaboration with London magazine with topics about fashion & travel. 

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Some of their offers

I will do creative reels and posts
Social Share on Instagram

I will do creative reels and posts



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 33.33%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 1
View Average 55

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I will curate content and share reels that will atteact my followers
Social Review on Instagram

I will curate content and share reels that will atteact my followers

I will promote products and games
Video Review on TikTok

I will promote products and games

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