Sethu Dazela

Sethu Dazela

South Africa

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Sesethu Dazela is currently an AFDA live performance first year student at the Johannesburg campus. She is originally from East London in the Eastern Cape but recently moved to Johannesburg. She am 19 years of age and I am trying to make an extra income for myself. She is very much of a socialite and very outgoing. Sesethu loves interacting with different people on a daily basis and is very good at promoting self-run and other business. At this point Sesethu is trying to build her following on both her twitter and instagram. How could I forget? she is a hardworker and is very dedicated to fulfilling her given task to the best of her ability.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.74%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 9
Play Average 540
Share Average 0

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