Sebhia Dibra

Sebhia Dibra

United States

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Sebhia Marie Dibra is an author, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and public policy advocate. She currently serves as a fractional CMO for clients in FinTech, Healthcare, Education, Technology, and Startups. She offers unparalleled advice to assist companies with their overall strategy, data, market research, marketing, and advertising plans. She combines creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to enhance the long-term vision for company-wide initiatives. An author of six books, she contributes a 21st-century perspective on consciousness, biophysics, and psychology. She is a prominent researcher who overlaps the concepts of business, science, alternative medicine, and consciousness. The world of ideas and advances in humanity flourishes when ideas in one field inform those from another. She is featured in Publishers Weekly, Energy Times, Awareness Magazine, NYC Talk Radio, and The Huffington Post.

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