Seba Cei

Seba Cei


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Hi, I'm Seba Cei. Guitar player and teacher from Argentina. 24 years old, and a father! 

I have a YouTube channel where I upload Tutorials, Covers, Original songs, Reviews, Motivational videos and extra content. (Fitness, Cooking and Humor are my main subjects).

I started working on YouTube and video editing as early as 12 years old, making Metallica covers (ahh the good old days) and have not stopped ever since. I aslo stream on Twitch whenever I am making a new song or cover so viewers can see the whole process, and have a growing faithful community!

We hang out on Discord with viewers and have great times with my students and followers!

To see Seba's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.83%
Comment Average 8
Like Average 92
View Average 856
Play Average 6K

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