Satria Sukma Sejati

Satria Sukma Sejati


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My Name is Satria Sukma Sejati, I'm a Freeman & Just Ordinary Person, I Live in Garut City, West Java, Indonesian Country
My Profession as a Freelancer, (IT) Gadget, Phone, Computer, Electronics, & Networking Technician + Engineering Service, Author/Penulis, Content Creative/Creator, Youtuber, Casual Gamer, Trading/Retail/Sales/Pedagang/Self Employed & as a Personal Businessman (Entrepreneurship/Wiraswasta/Wirausahawan/Pengusaha Pribadi/Perseorangan/Individu/Independent/Solo One Man Career)

My hobbies are playing games, analyzing things, playing guitar, reading books, writing, traveling, sports, drawing, training martial arts, and watching big movies/film, tv / broadcast the latest topics. (Hobiku adalah bermain games, menganalisis sesuatu, bermain gitar, membaca buku, menulis, jalan-jalan, olahraga, menggambar, berlatih bela diri, dan melihat film/movie, menonton tv/info siaran topik terkini)

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