Ryan Furman

Ryan Furman

United States

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Hi, I’m Ryan! I’m a certified plant-based nutritionist and personal trainer located in Scottsdale, AZ.

I wouldn’t say that I’ve ever really subscribed to the traditional food pyramid health model. However, in a way, it was worse than you’d imagine.

I ate for fun.
I was good at it and people expected it of me (being the tallest and biggest in my family).
I enjoyed showing off how much I could really pack in.

Prove it, you say?

I ate a 49oz steak in ONE sitting on my 18th birthday! I was 6’2″ and 145lbs soaking wet. Not to mention I ate my salad, bread, lobster bisque, AND my chocolate birthday cake. Extrapolate that type of eating over the next 9 years and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I was exhausted all the time and that my cholesterol was high; despite my physical appearance being that of a fit, healthy person. I did try to eat healthy, despite my feats of eating; a large chunk of meat and a couple steamed veggies was my usual meal. Maybe some bread and dairy thrown in as well.

In my defense, I was misinformed. I thought we HAD to eat meat, that every meal should contain meat, and that animal protein was the holy grail to building muscle. I was in my twenties and taking prescription medication to reduce my cholesterol. I needed a change.

The more I learned about exercise and nutrition, the more I realized how much I still didn’t know. So, I started taking a close look into what I ate and educate myself as to the truth of what I was fueling my body with.

It took some thorough investigating and retraining of my food values. As soon as I made the switch to a plant-based diet, I immediately felt better. Within one week, I noticed positive benefits. I’ve spent my time from then until now reshaping my diet and also spreading what I have learned to my friends, family, and anyone else who would listen.

On October 13th 2014, I decided to make my knowledge official and I got certified as a Plant Based Nutritionist through the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (The leading authority on Plant Based Nutrition) in association with Cornell University. I also became a certified Personal Trainer through ACTION on March 17th 2017.
I like eating, I always have. Now I eat as much as I want, packing my body full of nutrients, and I’m all the healthier for it. At 6 ‘2″, 200lbs, I’m the physically strongest and mentally sharpest I have ever been. The sleepy haze is gone and has been replaced with bountiful energy and unwavering focus.
My nutrition and fitness coaching, podcasting and blogging is a combination of setting goals and empowering you with the knowledge to attain them. My goal is to help you get your body, mind, and overall health to a level you never though possible.

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